Leisy Wyman

Professor Emerita
Dr. Leisy Wyman

Education 527

Leisy T. Wyman was a faculty member in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, and an affiliate faculty member of the American Indian Studies Program and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program at the University of Arizona (UA). Trained in language, literacy and policy, as well as cultural and social anthropology at Stanford University, she worked for almost 20 years with Yup’ik Eskimo communities in Alaska. Since 2005, she worked with Indigenous educators and scholars as a faculty member and/or guest speaker of the American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI) at the University of Arizona.

She served on the editorial boards of Anthropology and Education Quarterly and the Journal of American Indian Education, and reviewed scholarly papers for journals in anthropology and education, bilingual education and bilingualism, and for the National Science Foundation Arctic Social Science program and Division of Research on Learning. Her books to date and works in progress include Youth Culture and Linguistic Survivance, (forthcoming, Multilingual Matters), a co-edited journal issue on Indigenous youth bilingualism for the Journal of Language, Identity and Education, a co-edited book on Indigenous youth bi/multilingualism in dynamic worlds (under review, Routledge), and Qipnermiut Egmirtellrit, a co-edited volume of Yup’ik elders’ narratives in two Yup’ik orthographies (Alaska Native Language Center). Her research appears in multiple edited volumes, including the Handbook of Research on Literacy and Diversity (Morrow, Rueda & Lapp, eds. Guilford Press, 2009), and the Companion to Anthropology and Education (Levinson and Pollock, eds., Wiley-Blackwell, in press), as well as International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Journal of American Indian Education, Gifted Child Quarterly, and World Studies in Education.