Ofelia Zepeda

Ofelia Zepeda (Tohono O'odham) directed American Indian Studies for 5 years between 1986-1991 and was one of the co-founders, and now director of the nationally recognized American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI). Ofelia Zepeda is a Regents’ Professor of Linguistics and is interdisciplinary faculty for American Indian Studies. She is the author of the first book on the grammar of the Tohono O'odham language, A Tohono O’odham Grammar. Professors Zepeda's scholarly publications on dialect variation, and issues on language shift and revitalization have appeared in numerous journals and books. Ofelia, as a poet writes in Tohono O’odham and English. Her current books include three books of poetry, Ocean Power: Poems from the Desert, The University of Arizona Press and Jewed ‘I-hoi/ Earth Movements, Kore Press, a bilingual collection (including a CD) and Where Clouds are Formed, The University of Arizona Press. Her poetry and literary essays also appear in various anthologies and collections. She is the series editor of the award winning publication series, Sun Tracks, a publication focusing on Native American authors, The University of Arizona Press. In 1997 the Sun Tracks anniversary volume, Home Places, was edited by Ofelia Zepeda and Dr. Larry Evers (English Department). Zepeda teaches Elementary O'odham Language and courses and seminars on language revitalization and maintenance. She has an extensive service/outreach record and in 1996 received the Tanner Award for significant contributions to the American Indian Community (awarded by the UA Indian Alumni Association). She is also the recipient of an award from the UA Graduate College for service to graduate students. Zepeda actively works with AIS graduate students on independent projects and supervising internships. In 1999 Dr. Zepeda was recognized with a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship from the John D. and Catherine MacAuthur Foundation for her life long work on American Indian language issues.